Renkoo + Adium

October 30, 2005

Our designer, Torrey Rice, has created an Adium extension
that combines the very stylish Renkoo conversation chat bubble style, with the Dojo Toolkit fade-in transition. Feedback has been overwelmingly favorable, with over 1000 downloads in the first week, and comments such as “This is the best message list style ever“.

Adium, the popular instant messaging client available to Mac users, provides a mechanism for third party developers to contribute custom chat interfaces. This is the first time that someone has embedded something like Dojo Toolkit inside one of these extensions. This additional power allowed Torrey to make what we consider to be the best looking IM interface there is. And it of course matches the style used when chatting inside Renkoo.

If you:

  • have a Mac
  • use Adium for instant messaging

then you should try out the Renkoo Adium extension. Did we mention that we think it looks amazing?